25 10 月 2018
Here at EDM we are extremely pleased to be involved in securing business around the world, having recently won major contracts in East Asia, South East Asia and North America for Airbus A220, A320, A321 Cabin Evacuation trainers and Door trainers for cabin crew training.
Mick Bonney, Director of Sales & Business Development had this to say, “Our continued exposure to overseas customers and their diverse and demanding requirements has led to significant product development and innovation. For example working on the development programme for the F-35 has driven the sophistication and development of our training solutions in both commercial aviation and defence sectors.”
Tony Bermingham, Managing Director says, ” We’re a niche manufacturing business that has been around for over 40 years, manufacturing training products that are sold into civil aviation and military worldwide. We are prominently an exporter, with around 90% of our products being exported and we’ve recently made an acquisition that will probably take us into the large business bracket. Traditionally and historically, we’ve always been one of the great trading nations and why should that change? We just need to get out there and do it, turn the globe EDM Blue.”
About Us
Founded in 1971, EDM is a leading global provider of training simulators to the civil aviation, defence, rail and other industries. Combining the highest engineering standards with leading-edge technologies, EDM provides airlines with Door Trainers, Cabin Service Trainers, Cabin Emergency Evacuation Trainers and Full Size Mockups and defence organisations with Procedure Trainers, Maintenance Trainers, Ejection Seats, Simulators and Full Size Replicas. Serving organisations worldwide from its UK headquarters, EDM is committed to delivering exceptional quality and value to its clients to help them enhance safety and operational efficiency.
Media contact
Henry Bermingham
Brunel House
1 Thorp Road
Newton Heath
M40 5BJ
Email: hbermingham@edm.ltd.uk
Tel : +44 (0)161 203 3150
Mobile: +44 (0)7471 959238
Call +44 (0) 161 203 3150
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